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Portraits of the Fallen Note

January 26, 2010

This is a note to let my readers know that I am certainly not in Chicago or the United States as some rumors suggest.  I have not been held or kidnapped by anyone at anytime nor have I flown anywhere since June 2007.  They have taken all the fun out of flying so I prefer to travel by train and ship (and bicycle whenever possible).

I am planning to organize my website to make it more user friendly and hope to get my book (currently available only online), Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, published this year.  I also hope I can arrange an event in the near future about "Understanding and Surviving the War on Terror," which could be done on video for viewing as a podcast.  It would be a great way to respond to some questions from readers and callers. 

A reader from India, for example, wrote to me about my recent comments about having met then U.S. Representative Leon E. Panetta when he was a congressman from the Monterey Bay area.  I met Mr. Panetta briefly when he participated in events at the University of California at Santa Cruz about the Middle East.  I was studying history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at the time and engaged him in the political questions surrounding this problem.  The fact that I have met Mr. Panetta does not mean that I support him or his politics. 

Leon E. Panetta was appointed Director of the C.I.A. by Barack Obama.  The C.I.A. has killed hundreds of civilians in Pakistan and Afghanistan using un-manned drones firing Hellfire missiles.  This makes Panetta complicit in acts of terrorism.

Leon Panetta is the current director of the C.I.A. and was Bill Clinton's chief of staff.  I am of the opinion that C.I.A. attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan using Hellfire missiles launched from un-manned drones are, in fact, state-sponsored terrorism.  Bombing civilians in a nation that the U.S. is not at war with is terrorism.  Panetta, as the director of the C.I.A., is directly responsible for this state-sponsored terrorism, which would make him a terrorist.

Finally, I highly recommend viewing the short video piece, an audio slideshow, made by the BBC entitled "Portraits of the fallen".  This very short slideshow gives the viewer a very personal view of the tragic loss of life suffered by American, Canadian, and British families who have lost loved ones in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Every soldier who is killed or wounded in these horrendous wars has a family that is devastated by their loss.  This remarkable slideshow can be viewed here:

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