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Friday 27 June 2008 16:24



By Christopher Story FRSA, Editor and Publisher, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York. For earlier reports, press ARCHIVE. Order your subscriptions and our 'politically incorrect', hence correct, intelligence books from the Edward Harle segment.

BOOKS: Edward Harle Limited has so far published FIVE intelligence titles: The Perestroika Deception, by Anatoliy Golitsyn; Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.; The European Union Collective, by Christopher Story; The New Underworld Order, by Christopher Story; and The Red Terror in Russia, by Sergei Melgounov. All titles are permanently in stock. We sell books DIRECT.

NOTE: The Subs/Books panel on the Home Page is a means to enable us to communicate with subscribers, the purpose being to announce when issues of our serials have been published, and also to provide updated information on our Books. On 23rd May, the Editor appended an essay for the specific benefit of subscribers to International Currency review, the purpose of which was to inform them of progress on the publication of International Currency Review, Volume 33, #s 3 & 4, which runs to almost 1,000 pages, and will provide a massive historical record/update with detailed documentation and related information on the worst financial corruption crisis in world history.

This private communication was lifted by another website and placed onto their space out of any context, causing some confusion. The reason for the confusion was that the information published in the second panel, though accessible to anyone, represents, as indicated, this Editor's private
communications with subscribers to our printed intelligence publications. Therefore, what we say in the second panel is nothing to do with anyone other than our actual or potential subscribers.

SPECIAL ORDERS FOR THIS ISSUE: The Editor will be emailing all who have kindly requested information on the cost and delivery of this mammoth presentation. The final sections are being printed in our factory 'as we speak'. The promised emails will be sent out shortly.

Please Make a Donation, if you feel able to do so, to help finance Christopher Story's ongoing global financial corruption investigations. Your assistance will be very sincerely appreciated and will make a real difference, hastening the OVERDUE resolution of the worst financial corruption and linked financial fallout in world history. The Editor's $35,000 Wanta bail-out money has been stolen.

LONDON, 27th June 2008: Former US President William Jefferson Clinton appeared on the steps of Number 10 Downing Street, the office of the British Prime Minister, on 26th June, with his hands in his pockets, his mouth wide open as usual, and huge bags under his eyes. It also looked as though it's a long, long while since Hillary pressed his pants for him.

Clinton was spotted, too, canoodling with British businessman and eco-freak Sir Tom Hunter, as they advertised a venture to promote a 'carbon-neutral brand of coffee' for the direct benefit of nearly 9,000 farmers in Rwanda. The farmers will receive 100% of the 'gross brand margin' from Rwandan Farmers Coffee, to be stocked in Sainsburys and other UK outlets. To burnish further his fake 'environmentalist' credentials, Clinton 'unveiled' a £4.7 million 'partnership' with Sir Tom, 'Sir' Bob Geldof and the British Government to 'improve education' for 1.2 million children in Rwanda and Malawi. We are sure you are fascinated by this interesting environmentalist detail.

It is standard practice for world-class financial fraudsters who have 'got away with it' to spread some of their stolen funds around in philanthropic fashion, always making sure that the media are fully informed of the great deeds that spring from the bottom of their benevolent hearts, as they seek to 'give something back' to a complacent humanity that has been so consistently kind and lenient towards their serial criminality.

The objective here is to ensure that the attendant publicity is more than enough to inundate any negative vibes that may linger 'out there' with respect to their endless thefts, deceits, scamming operations, assassinations, frame-ups and other assorted crimes which they fervently intend shall be swept clean for public consumption purposes as a consequence of their widely publicised (but when analysed, always self-interested) humanitarian 'good deeds'.

On 25th June, Clinton appeared alongside Mrs Brown at a fund-raising dinner attended by Oprah Winfrey, who is hyperactively exploiting her prominent US broadcasting position to disseminate fraudulent New Age 'religiotrash', Gordon Brown, and the newly elected Mayor of London, Mr Boris Johnson. Relief from this otherwise bleak scene was provided by the absolutely gorgeous classical singer Katherine Jenkins, although we were unable to establish whether Clinton was more fixated on her than on his ongoing 'discussions' with Mr Brown, which relate strictly to the Settlements.

Just as we had to ask the question on 18th June 'Why did Gordon Brown rush up to Belfast after he had seen President and Mrs Bush in Downing Street', so we now ask a similar (related) question:

What was former President Clinton doing in Number Ten Downing Street?

Firming up the final details of his Rwandan coffee deal? Ironing out the remaining nittty gritty in respect of his philanthropic 'commitment' to the deprived children of Rwanda and Malawi?

Uh, not exactly. No, Clinton was seeing Brown because both these operatives were/are interfering with the COMPLETION of the Settlements process. The 'country' recipients were all paid out last weekend, and proceeded, as we reported, to transfer their funds inter alia via the United Nations Federal Credit Union and other New York City banks last Monday.

The Rest of the Settlements were required to be disbursed as a consequence of the sequence of events detailed in our two reports dated 18th and 25th June, under cover of (1): President Bush's two far-reaching Executive Orders promulgated after he had double-crossed The Queen; (2): The prospective sanctions hanging over the US authorities arising from the situation at Citibank (after Citibank's Directors had been prevented from entering their offices at the bank on 19th June, as described); (3): The British option of freezing dollar 'offshore' bank accounts held at the Bank of England; and (4): The ongoing investigations into the contents of the lock boxes and vaults seized by 300 armed UK police and staff on 2nd June at three London safety storage box locations.

Clinton's fingers are all over the contents of those lock boxes and vaults. For this reason, he is reported to be UNABLE TO LEAVE THE UNITED KINGDOM AT THE PRESENT TIME. The reason he is unable to leave is that he is REQUIRED to sign off on documentation which will release funds that have been held up and are stalling the remaining settlements. Let us elaborate here.

Former President Clinton's position right now is extremely precarious, given that the British police, and the MI6 cadres operating inside the police structures, hold devastating evidence of his crimes arising from the seizure of the lock boxes and vaults. The stance adopted by this criminal operative is said to have been defiant and arrogant: yesterday, we were told, he was not about to admit that he had ever stolen anything at all. However, we understand that Clinton is or has been under very heavy pressure to yield, and that he cannot leave the United Kingdom until he does so.

Since we 'outed' Gordon Brown as having conspired with President Bush to remove funds from bank accounts in Northern Ireland [see preceding reports], Brown's reputation among those 'in the know' has collapsed lower even than his public reputation after the Labour Party's worst-ever poll ratings this week, and the fact that Labour lost its deposit at the Henley by-election, a humiliation for a sitting government without precedent in living memory. But it's not public opinion that we are concerned with here: it's what those 'in the know' think of him. Following his exposure as aiding and abetting President Bush to steal money, and his role in that connection as a co-conspirator, it is what those who have to deal with this fellow at the highest levels know about him, that matters.

For, now that we know that Brown may be (we are told IS) corrupt, it has not been a problem to decipher what has been going on behind the scenes, and why Clinton has been pictured with his hands in his pockets standing on the doorstep of the Prime Minister's Office. Specifically:

Clinton 'works with' the Bush Crime Family and Cheney.

Cheney, assisted by his ultra-corrupt son-in-law Philip Perry and 'Paulson' (whoever he may be), have defied Her Majesty and President George W. Bush by standing in the way of completion of the Settlements in accordance with the requirements of the Executive Orders and The Queen. Recall that in parallel with the unravelling of Bush's duplicity and treachery from 18th June onwards, The Queen was given authority to procure release of the funds, as required by the Executive Orders.

Brown, having been 'outed' as also apparently corrupt, cannot therefore be assumed to be assisting The Queen to procure the remaining payouts. On the contrary, his role is believed to be duplicitous, so that, all of a sudden, Clinton (representing himself and the Bush Crime Family plus Cheney) and Brown, have much in common, since they both have green eyes with dollar signs etched onto their pupils. This is the nasty twist which this report seeks to publicise and expose.

The other primary player, as of late evening on Thursday 26th June, was the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, who, whether similarly motivated or not, faces an environment of extreme financial danger since in any financial collapse, Germany would implode and all its nefarious postwar plans would crumble. Here the Editor has to try to be objective, since of course he opposes the German secret plan to reverse the outcomes of two World Wars. On the other hand, the consequences of a collapse in Germany would be horrendous, so that no well-intentioned observer can 'go there'.

On 26th June, Madame Merkel asked for the delayed payments to be triggered by midday in Europe on Friday 27th June, this 'extension' being already way beyond that previous 'absolute deadline' set by the World Court for 6.00pm EDT on Thursday 26th (probably also corresponding as usual with the closing of a renewed SWIFT window, these 'windows' having apparently been coordinated with the 72-hour World Court 'extensions').

The Executive Orders required TOTAL compliance by 6.00pm EDT on Thursday 26th June 2008.

If we step back now for a moment, we can see that the standard 'ying-yang' dialectical methodology remains completely intact, and that, although Bush Jr. 'appears' to be 'out of it', in fact he remains a key player, albeit currently a 'passive' one' This can be explained in the following manner.

Having been caught 'in flagrante corruptio' with Gordon Brown, President Bush 'broke down' and had to concede, as we explained previously. He wound up promulgating the two Executive Orders, which required IMMEDIATE payment of the Settlements and the IMMEDIATE arrest of anyone who stood in the way of completion, not excluding Vice President Cheney and Chief Justice Roberts.

At 10:05 EDT on 26th June, the position with respect to the Executive Orders was as follows:

(1): The existence of the Executive Order inside the Treasury requiring immediate payment was reconfirmed to us (in exact terms, in the sense that its existence, sitting on a desk, was noted and relayed to our informants), but it had not yet been executed, in defiance of President George W. Bush's Executive Order itself and of Her Majesty The Queen who is further empowered by it.

(2): The existence of the Executive Order to operate 'outside' the Treasury, which empowers law enforcement to enforce payment BY the US Treasury, was likewise reconfirmed in similar manner, but it had not yet been executed by MI6, Interpol and the US Marshals, yet again in defiance of the President's Executive Order itself and of Her Majesty The Queen who is further empowered by it.

It is fairly easy to read what is going on here. We are told that three reasons are being proffered for the failure hitherto of MI6, which is IN CHARGE OF ENFORCEMENT, to have exercised its powers:

The investigations arising out of the seizures of the safety lock boxes and vaults are not yet complete. Translation: The massive evidence being compiled against former President Clinton is still being assembled and Clinton is being 'held' pending completion of this process (see below).

MI6 is penetrated, unreliable, and is in turn betraying and double-crossing The Queen.

Gordon Brown has intervened to prevent completion, pending certain outcomes.

The first and third of these scenarios apply specifically (and the second may well apply anyway, but then that would be nothing new because part of MI6 has always betrayed the country as it 'works' with pan-German intelligence and pushes the revolutionary anti-nation state agenda that motivates the European Union Collective, a long-range strategic deception programme first developed by the Nazis and unveiled in the previously mentioned document 'Europaische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft', published in Berlin in 1942 [British Library, London, or Staatsbibliothek, Berlin]).

With the investigations into the contents of the seized lock boxes and vaults continuing in the background (at a heavily guarded secure location), Brown's position in this scandalous state of affairs is pivotal. Here is this operative, who has just been exposed as tainted, like all the others, interceding or intervening in the context described above, no doubt NOT for altrustic purposes, but rather so that the outcome is, shall we say, 'satisfactory for all concerned'.

In the United States, Cheney, 'Paulson', Perry et al, are stalling for time and 'running the money'. We KNOW they are doing this as we have been specifically informed that this is (was) the case.

Meanwhile, so far as President Bush is concerned, he did a 'Pontius Pilate'. He issued, under extreme duress, the two Executive Orders, so his current stance is that 'it's out of my hands'.

To make matters easier for him, since MI6 was manoeuvred or allowed itself to be manoeuvred into the leading position in this snake-dance, if Mr Cheney et al block the completion of the Settlements domestically, as we now know they are doing, GEE, it's not President G. W. Bush's problem, it is MI6's problem because they have to enforce the Rule of Law.

Hence, the familiar Luciferian dialectic 'works' even when the President has 'washed his hands' of the situation. And guess what: this is no accident!

For when President Bush issued the Executive Orders, this andante cantabile of the snake-dance had already been composed. In other words, the dialectical model is universally applicable. To be more precise (i.e., blunt) President Bush DID NOT CEASE TO DECEIVE when he signed those two Executive Orders. No, what he did was to sign them under false pretences and in bad faith, with the full intention that his experienced 'ying-yang' ping-pong co-conspirators would know immediately what to do. He didn't throw Cheney et al to the wolves after all.

He played the same hand as before.

We can therefore sum up the current situation as follows:

1. Cheney, working with Philip Perry, corrupt US Treasury personnel and George Bush Sr., with President G.W. Bush staring down at them from a heavenly cloud, clothed in fake righteousness, is 'working the money' including the 'Wanta' funds, to maximise corrupt financial returns either so that Cheney et al have duplicated the funds to line their own pockets, or else to try to steal all the funds as before, or both of the above, with the same malicious intent as previously, namely to try to block the (remaining) payments in order to salvage as much loot as possible for themselves and for their loathesome global hegemony agenda and other 'Black' covert funding 'needs'.

2. President Bush, from his cloud, is thumbing his nose yet again at The Queen. It goes without saying that all the other crooks mentioned are doing the same (re Gordon Brown, see below)

3. These gangsters are working with Clinton to extend the delays for the same purposes.

4. Previously our analytical input had rejected what follows, but we are now firmly advised that this statement is accurate: if these world-class financial criminalists can pull it off, they hope either to preside over another 9/11, to trigger a financial crash or, at a minimum, to ensure that their high-wire antics that are intended to get them right through this crisis unscathed, are submerged within general distress arising out of the coordinated rigging of oil prices and other ongoing scams.

As indicated, we have left consideration of such extremes to one side in these reports, but we are now advised that such acts of criminal desperation are a real possibility. Our previous mention of such an eventuality referenced the prediction by Vreeland that the intention was to perpetrate an atrocity at the Republican Twin Cities Convention scheduled for 1st September 2008, a grim threat that we took seriously when we first publicised this in April 2007 because of what is known about these maniacs' esoteric, Luciferian fixation with twins (Twin Towers, Twin Cities: one atrocity at the beinning of the Bush reign, the other at the 'end'). Since we have been advised that perpetrating another atrocity is being seriously considered by these desperados, who CANNOT relinquish their crime-dominated way of life, we recycle this warning here.

5. The British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is or was leveraging the situation, no doubt NOT for altruistic motives, and is/was playing off Merkel and Clinton to maximise the potential of this snake dance. The outcome of this perverse behaviour is not yet clear.

6. Separately, we understand that the complicity of Philip Perry and 'Paulson' is 'evidenced' (the precise word used to inform us of this fact), so that both can now be arrested on the accumulated evidence of wrongdoing without further ado.

7. It appears that the Mormons have been receiving 'big money'. However, in a related complication relayed to us at 10:05pm EDT, the Mormons did not receive (further) payment on 26th June 2008, in accordance with undertakings said to have been given by President Bush and Cheney. When they did not receive payment, they started 'playing up', which is why we know about this development.
(FACT: In 1998, a prominent Israeli-American intelligence officer informed the Editor of this service that all so-called 'religious' organisations are money-laundering enterprises/used for this purpose).

8. Since the 'country' recipients were paid, the threats of embargoes, sanctions, the grounding of US aircraft at foreign airports, and other coercion measures falling outside the parameters of the sanctions still available to the Group of Seven financial powers (who were sold the 'Wanta Plan' and need such action to be implemented), and of course the tough sanctions that remain available to the British Monarchy and authorities, have ceased to apply. Recall that such sanctions were very widely touted and discussed in the second half of 2007 and into the first quarter of 2008.

Since Gordon Brown appears to be aiding and abetting Clinton to avoid the consequences of his serial criminality, and/or to be engaged in some form of brokering activity the net outcome of which so far has been to stall the remaining Settlement payments in defiance of The Queen's wishes and now of the letter of President Bush's two Executive Orders (leaving aside Bush's own complicity), MI6 or the appropriate law enforcement apparatus in the UK should arrest the Prime Minister.

Secondly, given that former President Clinton has been 'playing tough' with a very weak hand, the evidence gathered against him from inter alia the seized UK lock boxes and the vaults, should be mobilised and this despicable little criminal should be arrested and hauled before Magistrates. Under no circumstances should Clinton be allowed to leave the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. We are told that he is not going to be allowed to leave until he 'delivers', whatever precisely that means: but we have no doubt that his prevaricating behaviour is being coordinated with Cheney who 'handles', 'works for' and 'duplicates' George Bush Sr.

Thirdly, law enforcement in the United States MUST implement the terms of the second Executive Order and ARREST ALL WHO ARE CONTINUING TO BLOCK THE SETTLEMENTS.

The US components of the structures, including the Navy Seals, should be activated and MUST do their duty NOW. The time for endless waiting and prevarication is past.

Finally, MI6, Interpol and the US Marshals MUST move into action forthwith, with the Navy Seals, to complete the tasks they have been allocated. The Navy Seals will be needed if there is any trouble from Cheney's Blackwater thuggists, which should be out of the question given presidential orders.

It is quite ludicrous for an independent and 'foreign' website to have to spell out 'the necessary'. But if these parties continue to exhibit lily-livered weakness in the face of this grotesque defiance, they should not be surprised if, sooner rather than later, they, too, wind up suffering along with the Rest of Us because they lacked the guts to carry out their responsibilities and instructions.

At the time of posting this report, the situation was that everyone was going 'round and round in circles', which is the literal meaning of the word 'revolution'. THIS NONSENSE MUST CEASE.



LEGAL TUTORIAL: The Steps of Common Fraud:

Step 1: Fraud in the Inducement: “… is intended to and which does cause one to execute an instrument, or make an agreement… The misrepresentation involved does not mislead one as the paper he signs but rather misleads as to the true facts of a situation, and the false impression it causes is a basis of a decision to sign or render a judgment” Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

Step 2: Fraud in Fact by Deceit (Obfuscation and Denial) and Theft:

“ACTUAL FRAUD. Deceit. Concealing something or making a false representation with an evil intent [scanter] when it causes injury to another…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Fraud’.

“THE TORT OF FRAUDULENT DECEIT… The elements of actionable deceit are: A false representation of a material fact made with knowledge of its falsity, or recklessly, or without reasonable grounds for believing its truth, and with intent to induce reliance thereon, on which plaintiff justifiably relies on his injury…”. Source: Steven H. Gifis, ‘Law Dictionary’, 5th Edition, Happauge: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., 2003, s.v.: ‘Deceit’.

Step 3: Theft by Deception and Fraudulent Conveyance:


“FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT… The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose…”.

“The test of whether failure to disclose material facts constitutes fraud is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties: failure to disclose a material fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circumstances being equivalent to an actual ‘fraudulent concealment’…”.

To suspend running of limitations, it means the employment of artifice, planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and mislead or hinder acquirement of information disclosing a right of action, and acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudulent…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., Black’s Law Dictionary’, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Concealment’.


‘FRAUDULENT CONVEYANCE… A conveyance or transfer of property, the object of which is to defraud a creditor, or hinder or delay him, or to put such property beyond his reach…”.

“Conveyance made with intent to avoid some duty or debt due by or incumbent on person (entity) making transfer…”.

Source: Black, Henry Campbell, M.A., ‘Black’s Law Dictionary, Revised 4th Edition, St Paul: West Publishing Company, 1968, s.v. ‘Fraudulent Conveyance’.


NASD Rule 3120, et al.
NASD Rule 2330, et al
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3040
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-1
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and SEC Rule 15c3-1
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 3110
SEC Rules 17a-3 and 17a-4
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and Procedural Rule 8210
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and 2330 and IM-2330
NASD Conduct Rules 2110 and IM-2110-5
NASD Systems and Programme Rules 6950 through 6957

In addition to which Bank of New York Mellon is/was in violation of:
97-13 Bank Secrecy Act, Recordkeeping Rule for funds transfers and transmittals of funds, et al.


Annunzio-Wylie Anti-Money Laundering Act
Anti-Drug Abuse Act
Applicable international money laundering restrictions
Bank Secrecy Act
Conspiracy to commit and cover up murder.
Crimes, General Provisions, Accessory After the Fact [Title 18, USC]
Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act
Economic Espionage Act
Hobbs Act
Imparting or Conveying False Information [Title 18, USC]
Maloney Act
Misprision of Felony [Title 18, USC] (1)
Money-Laundering Control Act
Money-Laundering Suppression Act
Organized Crime Control Act of 1970
Perpetration of repeated egregious felonies by State and Federal public employees and their Departments and agencies, which are co-responsible with the said employees for ONGOING illegal and criminal actions, to sustain fraudulent operations and crimes in order to cover up criminalist activities and High Crimes and Misdemeanours by present and former holders of high office under the United States
Provisions pertaining to private business transactions being protected under both private and criminal penalties [H.R. 3723]
Provisions prohibiting the bribing of foreign officials [F.I.S.A.]
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act [R.I.C.O.]
Securities Act 1933
Securities Act 1934
Terrorism Prevention Act
Treason legislation, especially in time of war.

Please be advised that the Editor of International Currency Review cannot enter into email correspondence related to this or to any of the earlier reports.

We are a private intelligence publishing house and have no connections to any outside parties including intelligence agencies. The word ‘intelligence’ on this website and in all our marketing material is used for marketing/sales purposes only and has no other connotations whatsoever: see ‘About Us’ on the red panels under the Notes on the Editor, Christopher Story FRSA, who has been solely and exclusively engaged as an investigative journalist, Editor, Author and private financial and current affairs Publisher since 1963 and is not and never has been an agent for a foreign power, suggestions to the contrary being actionable for libel in the English Court.