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Were DU Missiles Used on 9-11?

October 23, 2004

The video, "911: In Plane Site," by Dave vonKleist, examines the video evidence and shows that there was a white flash occurred immediately before United Airlines Flight 175 and American Airlines Flight 11 struck the towers. In the case of the South Tower, the vonKleist video shows the underside of the plane, seen from four different cameras and angles, with a cylindrical pod and a mysterious white object being fired from the pod before the plane hits the tower. This object impacts the tower immediately before the nose of the plane creating a bright flash. A similar white flash can be seen in the video, made by the Naudet brothers, of Flight 11 crashing into the North Tower. 
The white flashes are very similar to the flashes seen when depleted uranium (DU) penetrators strike their target. DU is a spontaneous pyrophoric material, i.e. it ignites in the air. If DU missiles struck the towers immediately before Flights 175 and 11 impacted, then what happened to the DU penetrators? One would expect that they traveled through the towers and carried on into the streets of New York or into other buildings. Unless they impacted sufficiently dense objects to stop them, they should have continued through the buildings, and be seen flying ahead of the flames and debris. After all, uranium is 1.7 times more dense than lead.
Several photos of the conflagration that occurred as the plane struck the South Tower show two objects passing through the South Tower, ahead of the flames. One of them clearly displays the characteristics of burning uranium. One of the objects is black and leaving a white smoke trail; the other is burning with a bright white flame and leaving a black trail. The color of the flame and the color of the oxides [smoke] are important. The color of the flame indicates the substance that is burning and its temperature. The bright white flame is indicative of a reactive metal, such as magnesium or uranium.
I contacted Marion Fulk, former staff scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Lab, to ask about the photos. After studying the photos, I asked Fulk if the object in the photo could be uranium. "Yes," Fulk said, "It is possible." Asked if the black smoke could be uranium oxide, Fulk said, "Yes, it could be uranium oxide." Fulk went on to describe the "dirty" olive green, brown, and black colors of the 21 different phases of uranium oxide.
The gap between the burning object and the black smoke trail was explained by Leuren Moret, geo-scientist and radiation expert, who said that the gap is where the uranium gas and vapors are so hot they are still invisible. As the vapors cool, they condense into visible uranium oxides. Asked how the piece of uranium could be burning so hot, Moret explained that some of the kinetic energy from the uranium missile would be converted into heat.  If this is a DU penetrator, it could explain Moret's claim that the World Trade Center rubble was radioactive.
Were DU missiles used to ignite the fuel in the airplanes to create the spectacular explosions that were used to explain the pre-planned demolition of the twin towers?

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